I bought this on pre-order as soon as I could. It’s very strange playing such a well-played game with different graphics, I wasn’t sure I’d take to it at first. The good news is that you can switch between the old and new graphics at the push of a button. This is great, one of the reasons being that you can check out the differences in the environment.
For instance, when you are walking around areas that in the old version have the roof solid, in the new version a lot of the roof areas have openings and you can see moving clouds and light rays coming down through them. The foliage and ground/wall textures are lovely.
I do have a lot of nostalgia when playing this game, and sometimes switch to the old version just for the fun of it, but it’s certainly something to see Lara without the pointy body parts, which was a staple for the old version!
Although I don’t have a lot of time for game-playing lately, I will be playing this on and off whenever I get the chance.
All of the controls and cheats are exactly the same which is something I’m grateful for. 🙂 I love that they have remastered the game without actually changing anything. The Anniversary game was great, but so different from the original in gameplay and controls that I struggled for a while.
All that being said, I’m looking forward to locking poor Winston in the freezer!
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